The primary goal of this app was to make it easier for users to manage their finances, keep track of their spending, and create budgets. The objective of this app was to enable the users to borrow, lend, and even invest money using a well-designed and simple to use application. The software enables tracking the amount of money spent on certain transactions, analyzing revenue & costs, and generally helping users to make smart decisions regarding their finance.
The client wanted a platform for users enabling them to add their bank and saving schemes to track their savings, set goals and reminders, and progress reports. The backend and front-end systems should have an architecture that supports the transactions, saving goals, and saving schemes of users on a daily basis.
By automatically saving money as they spend, automated savings applications can help users kick the habit of forgetting to save money for rough times. Many apps are set up to save the targeted amount by setting the goal and goal tracker. Understanding the user's financial habits, this kind of feature made it easier for them to save. Also, the tracking feature, which allowed them to manage their saving worked well. Some of the key features we developed are:
It's very easy to register with Personal Savings. Customers may easily sign up through the web portal or download the app. The consumer will receive an OTP (One Time Password) after providing their mobile number, which must be input by the customer to verify the mobile number. Customers only need to supply a few pieces of basic information and create their password after being authenticated.
Banking users who have a subscription to their bank's mobile or internet banking services are eligible to utilize the Mero Bachat application. Customers who sign up for a savings plan with Mero Bachat must link their bank account. Without having to physically visit the bank, the verification is completed by supplying and confirming the clients' login information for mobile/internet banking.
The savings program terms can be customized by Mero Bachat partner banks to better meet their clients' needs and preferences. When specifying the scheme terms, the interest rates, the minimum duration, and the maximum tenure can be included. Customers, on the other hand, can tailor their saving duration and amount and even sign up for multiple schemes by connecting multiple bank accounts.
Users of Mero Bachat have a range of saving options available to them, including fixed amounts each day, week, or month, fixed amounts per transaction, and rounding up to the next 100, 500, or 1000 for each transaction. Customers have the freedom to alter their savings amounts whenever they choose.
Personal savings are extremely similar to fixed deposit accounts in nature since they have a defined maturity period and no withdrawals are permitted during that time. As a result, it is anticipated that the interest rates offered for Personal saving plans would be greater than those provided for bank savings accounts.
A dynamic user experience on the Personal Savings app and web site for clients makes saving enjoyable, adaptable, and simple. Customers may set saving objectives and even project their overall savings with its help. Customers may watch their savings increase while using the app, which also offers customizable saving options and details on each and every transaction.
The Personal Saving app module, which is located inside the bank's network and communicates with the bank CBS, is connected to it via secure channels. The main application just links and verifies accounts using the clients' cellphone numbers. No additional sensitive data, such an account numbers, is stored there.
The software we created completed its objective to increase the deliberateness of savings among users. Modern problems require modern solutions; therefore, the app was built to help users track their savings and savings goals in a digitalized form. Along with it, we provided users with a feature that helped them see their savings grow. The architecture that can securely communicate with the banking system was developed in this architecture.
The app was developed in a highly secured platform, and the confidentiality of the user was kept as a priority while developing the overall architecture.
This software was created with the intention of helping individuals manage their finances. Along with it, people who have access to a service are also allowed to expand their funds. In the two months after the service began, there have been 10000 app downloads. There are more than 5000 active users, or almost 50% of all users.
Lal Colony Marga, Kathmandu